Daily Archives: April 29, 2014

Scratch for EVERYONE

You can’t help but learn with Scratch   One of the really fantastic things about Scratch is that it’s available online, to anyone, for free.  If you’re not familiar with Scratch, it’s an simple, graphical programming language designed for kids.  It was developed at MIT and is use all over […]

Coding Clubs in the UK

Hacking the future: Clare Sutcliffe at TEDxBrighton Clair is part of a team that started a program setting up coding clubs at schools supported by coding professionals across the UK.  Check out her story. Kauf von Bactrim online buy levitra cheap

Girls with Raspberry Pi

 How Girls Should Serve Raspberry Pi: Tom Dubick at TEDxCharlotteED Here is a good video highlighting what some 13 yr old girls are doing with their Raspberry Pi. ohne-rezeptkaufen.com buy kamagra 100mg buy ivermectin online

Raspberry Pi Creator

Eben Upton one of the creators of Raspberry Pi at a TED talk Recorded in 2012 kaufen cialis , this is Eben Upton who was part of the Cambridge University PHD program talking about how the Raspberry Pi came to be. Compra Levaquin Online Buy Cialis Professional UK

Minecraft on the Pi

Martin O’Hanlon “Minecraft on the Pi”, Raspberry Jamboree 2014   In this video Martin first explains what Minecraft is and how it works, then he goes on to talk about the Raspberry Pi version that has Python integrated and some of the cool things you can do with it.  This […]